[PostgreSQL]기본 데이터 타입 정리 - Boolean types
Character types / why should we use char instead of varchar? Numeric types Boolean types Temporal types UUID for storing Universally Unique Identifiers Array for storing array strings, numbers, etc... JSON stores JSON data hstore stores key-value pair User defined data Boolean true, false, null 세개의 value 가진다. TRUE → true, 't', 'true' 'y', 'yes', '1' FALSE → false, 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no', '0'
2020. 9. 1.
[PostgreSQL] 기본 데이터 타입 - Numeric types
Character types / why should we use char instead of varchar? Numeric types Boolean types Temporal types UUID for storing Universally Unique Identifiers Array for storing array strings, numbers, etc... JSON stores JSON data hstore stores key-value pair User defined data Integer Name Storage Size Min Max smallint 2byte -32,768 +32,767 integer ( = int ) 4byte -2,147,483,648 +2,147,483,647 bigint 8b..
2020. 8. 17.
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